Every year after January 1st, I would be in the process of setting up my workshops, speaking engagements, and travels. By now I would have all my late winter/spring programs scheduled, and photographers signing up for those programs. With covid raging on, I have no programs scheduled for winter/spring, and I will wait until March or April to see how it's going before I set up any fall programs.
I do have a workshop that is scheduled with the Madeline Island Art School for late June, and I'm scheduled to speak at the Sedona Photo Symposium in August, but we'll have to wait and see if those will run.
I also have my annual Macro Photo Conference scheduled for October 9th and 10th in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and hope we will be able to run that conference this year, as it was canceled in 2020.
I also hope to set up a visit to the Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania in Sept for my Macro Photo Club members, but again, nothing will be set until later in the year.
Hopefully we will all get the vaccinations as soon as possible so we can get back to normal.
For those who are not going to travel to any workshops or photo conferences this year, we still have a lot of online learning happening. I have lots of zoom programs set up with camera clubs, a couple photo conferences that are set up online, and also offer my Macro Photo Club you can join, and get access to over 230 instructional videos on macro photography. Check out the club by clicking on the Macro Photo Club link at the top of the page.